Mohammed Nayeemudin


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Wrestlers Sayings

Wrestlers Favorite Sayings:

Name-- Saying
Ahmed Johnson-- It's time for a beating!
Animal-- Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, what a rush!
Bad Ass Bill Gun-- If you're not down with DX, then we got two words for ya, SUCK IT!
Bret Hart-- I'm the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be
British Bulldog-- It's not USA, USA, it's UK, UK!
Buff Bagwell-- I'm buff! I'm tough! I'm the stuff and I know you can't get enough!"
Catus Jack-- Bang, Bang!
Diamond Dallas-- Page Feel the BANG!
Goldust-- Remeber the name, Goldust!
H H H Are you ready?-- I said are u ready!? For the thousands in attendence and for the millions watching all over the world on live TV . Lets get ready to SUCK IT!!!
Hulk Hoagn-- I've got the biggest arms in the world!
Ric Flair-- Whoooooo!
The Road Dog Jesse James-- Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages. Degeneration X proudly brings to you its WWF Tag Team champions of the WOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLDDDDDDDD. The Road Dog Jesse James, The Bad Ass Billy Gun, THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS!
Stone Cold Steve Austin-- And that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold said so!
The Rock-- Do you smell what the Rock is cookin?
Undertaker-- Rest in peace
Vader-- It's time! It's time! It's Vader time!
X-pac-- So , if we came to the right place , make a little noise up in this BITCH!

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